Presentation layer Brackets
Provide a method (api ?) for us to build our own pages w/ CSS using the bracket data for our events to allow presenting to a live audience with better legibility or themed formatting.
I suggest a model similar to where it filters the brackets and connects to the api thus allowing a more automatic display of the brackets during streams as in the breaks of matches (through browser source).
To be ahead of the competition you could additionally create one for during matches: displaying the players name and country alongside the match winning count. As an extra, if you'd wish to really go the extra mile, it could display the sponsors and commentors bellow :D
Dakno Gaming
We are running a regional tournament in North Dakota, and the production company we partner with was wondering if there is a way to export that live data and be able to plug that into a customised format. Then they can present this info on both the live stream and in monitors around the arena. In addition to brackets, it'd be nice to use the data to show a "Matches just completed", "Matches underway", and "Matches coming up" so that a player can see what is coming up soon and when they need to play next.
Adrian Nieto
This is not on the immediate roadmap, but it is something we want to support in the future!
Kelvin Nunez
Merged in a post:
Implement Streams into broadcasting software
I've had some of my streamers request so could it be possible to have a way to have brackets shown in a live-stream in a software such as obs in a way that you can put overlays in obs. Similar to something like